Special Needs Caregiver Awareness

I have something super exciting to share…My friend Jessica, a MI native, large family Momma, just published her third book and bought a farm! Several years ago, she started a non-profit called The Lucas Project. She has been helping to encourage and support caregivers over the last few years as this is a ministry area that she is very familiar with and where resources are severely lacking.

She has such a way with words and has now published three books over the last few years and is in the process of writing another. Her first book, Sunlight Burning at Midnight, is a Memoir. She speaks about her journey through learning about Lucas, loosing her Husband through cancer and the journey that started after that. I highly recommend the book! (Click on the pic below)

She then wrote a book, Blended With Grit & Grace, which talks about her story meeting and developing a relationship with Ryan, becoming a large family & even adding to their family. It will make you laugh, cry, and relate to all the Lord has led them through over the last few years. (Picture below will take you to Amazon)

Just this February she has released her third book, Lovin’ With Grit & Grace. It is such an encouraging read about many topics related to marriage and how God has worked through their story for His glory! It has some amazing recipes and ideas in it. Check it out Below!

Recently they were able to buy a farm to renovate into Hope Farm. They are working hard to raise support to fund this farm project to help give disabled individuals the ability to have a safe accommodated place to live and develop to their fullest God given potential. What a great opportunity to share God’s love in practical ways!

How can you help?? Please go check her out, follow her story, share with people you may know, pray for her, her family and the board she is working with through this amazing project, grab a shirt for you or items to help fill Caregiver Spa Boxes, Donate towards their renovation! To donate to their silent auction email hello@thelucasproject.org. Invite Jessica to come speak at an event this year!

Order one of her books, grab a cup of your favorite warm beverage, a blanket, a comfy spot to read, and maybe some friends too! Enjoy reading these books, share them with a friend, start a book club!

You can check out Jess at Jess Plus the Mess, The Lucas Project and Caregiver blogs; Unseen: Caregiver Documentary, Hope Farm, jessplusthemess and theofficiallucasproject on Facebook! She has a Coffee With Caregivers podcast, a Caregiver support group, Unseen: Caregiver Documentary and more!

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About Me

Christ Follower, Wife to 1, Homeschooling Mom to Many, Nurse, Abundantly Blessed


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